This site is powered by SmartCJ Pro traffic exchange script.
If you would like to trade traffic with us, all you have to do is fill in the
form below and start sending traffic.
- No Illegal sites, No concoles, exploits, trojans, viruses, Video Codec Installs and Galleries like Avicash/Videos Cash!
- No Dialers or redirects for any country
- You must have a VISIBLE TOPLIST with all your trades.
- I do NOT trade with Sites on .info Domains or Subdomains!
- Only niched trades!
- No tube and movie sites.
- Minimum of 50% content
- Minimum of 100 hits / day
- Established sites only (At least 6 months old according to Whois)
- You must have good traffic history (At least 6 months in top 500 000 Alexa Rank)
- Trades NOT sending traffic for 24 hours get deleted!
- New trades are disabled by default until review,send 50 hits for approving,USE ICQ FOR ACTIVATE TRADE!!!
Personal Data
Here is your Personal Info. This data is needed to contact you in some cases.
Traffic Settings
Here is your traffic trade settings.
Fast Trade Signup (Paste Info here)
Please send all hits to:
You can contact me by e-mail:
or ICQ: 559950576, 326268589